Popular Posts at Sekinan Table on 23 June 2020

24/06/2020 19:01

Popular Posts at Sekinan Table on 23 June 2020

  1. Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008. 2018. Note on David Marr and Grisha Perelman. 2020
  2. Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe language universals containing the time which is one of the important elements of meaning. 2017. Translated by Google translate 2020
  3. Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library. 2018
  4. Now remembering Aurora Theory as the first language model. Letter to WPM. 5th Edition. 5 December 2019
  5. Papa Wonderful 17 Photo 1999. Translated by Google translate 2020
  6. Resting Elbows Nearly Prayer 18 Final exam 2007. Translated by Google translate 2020
  7. Supposition on Dimension :: Geometrization Language
  8. Papa Wonderful 55 Someday again 1999. Translated by Google translate 2020
  9. Farewell to language universals. Letter to WPM. Along the ridges of the mountains. On Aurora Theory. 6th Edition. 11 December 2019
  10. Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language :: Geometrization Language

23 June 2020
Geometrization Language