What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 2018-2019 and Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003. Note 2, 2 May 2019

25/04/2020 22:33
Note 2, 2 May 2019 for The Time of Language Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck 2012
 [Note 2, 2 May 2019]
5 years passed from I wrote Note at October 2014.The situation for the research changed rather largely.I and wife became older and I become 72 years old this summer while the both have illness.We often go to the hospital for the treatment for what I often think that all the illness are probably on the nerves which make persistent flows in our body, which inevitably need energy for fluidity.At these circumstances  I began to write a new paper titled What is signal? The existence that generates language,What is signal?, original title,   What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve. The text is the next.
So far I have thought of language at the point from language universals which are the most fantastic theme for me. But illness and its base nerve showed me the new site of language that is the real base of language. It was the signal which has energy and flows and hatch language in the human being.
Now I stand back at the manuscript written in 2003 at Hakba, Nagano, Japan titled Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language. The text is the next.
Quantum is the real kernel of my research, by which signal and language may be  unifiedly constructed for human being.
2 May 2019
Sekinan Library