Frame-Sentence Language Boundary

Frame-Sentence Language






1 Language consists of frame and sentence.

2 Frame consists of words.

3 Sentence consists of quanta.

4 Frame is duplicable.

5 Sentence is not duplicable.

6 Word has no energy.

7 Quantum has energy.

8 Quantum’s energy comes from outside.

9 Outside energy is brought by human being or electric power.

10 Words are separated each other.

11 Quanta are connected each other.

12 Quanta’s connection is brought by reversion to boundary.

13 Boundary is shown by sentence’s end that is marked by period(.).

14 Word and frame has not boundary.

15 Boundary is expressed by unit element in mathematics.

16 Two quanta are connected by associative law in mathematics.

17 Words /flowers/ and /blossom/ are connected and become sentence [flowers blossom].

18 In sentence [flowers blossom], two quanta [flowers] and [blossom] are connected by associative law.

19 In sentence, associative law works as addition.

20 Sentence has not vacant space. 

21 Notation of vacancy in sentence substantially shows additional mark(+).

22 In sentence [flowers], sentence starts by [flowers] and sentence ends by [flowers]. 

23 One quantum sentence, likely [flowers], has energy 1.

24 Two quanta sentence has energy 2 .

25 Energy goes to sentence’s end in accordance with the system of reversion that is essence of language.



Tokyo November 30, 2005


Sekinan Research Field of Language