Papa Wonderful 55 Someday again 1999. Translated by Google translate 2020

Papa Wonderful 55 Someday again 1999

55 Someday again
 This story ends here. Whether or not this sequel will be spelled out may depend on the reader's reaction to this story, as the author of The Wakakusa story once said on the last page. Aside from the author's competence for a while, I just hope that the partially modeled people aren't too old by then. 

Based on the author's remaining energy, the realization of the sequel is quite unlikely, but if it does, it will probably happen before Takahiko and Yasuhiko become too big. If they were completely big, the authors would have much less power to write.
 Tadokoro's writing ability is supported by the people he really loves. At the same time, I've been thinking for myself as a "nice dad," so with this thought, this little story is above all for my two good brothers, and always for the bright Myo-san. I was able to proceed. I didn't know for sure until I wrote it myself, but when the story itself came out, it was the warmest, most empathetic, and longing for those who read it first.
 Even if two brothers and Tae-san told me, "My dad doesn't have to do that much," this story tells "the wonderful dad" to three people to spend a nostalgic year. , It is a gift of love and gratitude for all the hard work.
 And finally, above all else in the story, I must express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has read this book so far.
 Please be happy and happy forever.

                                                                            11 November 1999